[ * message]: string(51) "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool" [ Exception string]: string(0) "" [ * code]: int 8 [ * file]: string(80) "/home/dh_y2k8c4/visitogrove.com/includes/classes/controllers/fichaController.php" [ * line]: int 36
[file]: string(80) "/home/dh_y2k8c4/visitogrove.com/includes/classes/controllers/fichaController.php" [line]: int 36 [function]: string(23) "exception_error_handler"
[0]: int 8 [1]: string(51) "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool" [2]: string(80) "/home/dh_y2k8c4/visitogrove.com/includes/classes/controllers/fichaController.php" [3]: int 36
[title]: string(0) "" [description]: string(0) ""
[0]: string(6) "balcon" [1]: string(2) "de" [2]: string(8) "floreano" [id]: string(2) "54" [lng]: string(2) "es" [ficha]: bool FALSE
[file]: string(80) "/home/dh_y2k8c4/visitogrove.com/includes/classes/controllers/fichaController.php" [line]: int 4 [function]: string(10) "displayIni" [class]: string(15) "FichaController" [type]: string(2) "->"
[file]: string(75) "/home/dh_y2k8c4/visitogrove.com/includes/classes/controllers/Controller.php" [line]: int 94 [function]: string(7) "routing" [class]: string(15) "FichaController" [type]: string(2) "->"
[file]: string(41) "/home/dh_y2k8c4/visitogrove.com/index.php" [line]: int 10 [function]: string(11) "__construct" [class]: string(10) "Controller" [type]: string(2) "->" [ Exception previous]: null [ * severity]: int 0
- Filename: built-in
- Interfaces: Throwable
- Parent: Exception
- private __clone()
- public __construct([$message], [$code], [$severity], [$filename], [$lineno], [$previous])
- public __toString()
- public __wakeup()
- public getCode()
- public getFile()
- public getLine()
- public getMessage()
- public getPrevious()
- public getSeverity()
- public getTrace()
- public getTraceAsString()